===== Contact us ===== The contact details for the church are as follows: | **Postal Address ** | 2A Hayes Street, Henty. NSW. 2658 | | **Church Office Phone** | (02) 69293129 | Alternatively you can email one of us: | **Minister** | Rev Craig Nicholas| | | **Church Secretary** | Di Janetzki| | Or Fill in the from below
Action mail feedback@hentylockhartpresy.org.au Thanks "Thanks for contacting us .... You should hear from us Shortly" Fieldset "Some Basic Info" Textbox "You Name" "=Your Name" Textbox "Suburb where you live" ! email "Your E-Mail Address" select "I am interested in" "Knowing more About the Church|Knowing about Christianity|Talking further to the minister|How to connect in on-line|Upcoming Events|Just like to leave a comment" textarea "How can we help you ... Leave a comment if you like" submit
/* Demo code
Action mail me@example.com Thanks "Thanks for submitting your valuable data." Fieldset "A set of fields" Textbox "Employee Name" "=Your Name" number "Your Age" >13 <99 email "Your E-Mail Address" textbox "Occupation (optional)" ! password "Some password" fieldset "even more fields" select "Please select an option" "Peaches|Apples|Oranges" static "Some static text that could be an agreement" yesno "Read the agreement?" textarea "Tell me about your self" textbox "You need to write 'agree' here" /^agree$/ submit